Towards the end of last year Mika kicked off his Revelation tour in London, and I was so bummed that I missed it because I was in Disneyland Paris! I figured that was that, I'd missed him and would have to miss the tour. But then in late December when I was sorting through my journal in preparation for the new year I came across a paragraph I'd written after I came home from New York about how "I want to be this happy again, I want to make the effort to travel to see my favorite performers instead of wishing they'd come to me. And if that means cutting back in other areas and travelling long distances for just a day or two, then I think it will be worth it. Hopefully I can make the opportunity happen again!" And all of those feelings I had at that time came flooding back to me, and I realized how stupid I was being with Mika's tour. I'd traveled all the way to New York just to see Aaron Tveit, and now I only had to hop across the Channel to see Mika!
I checked the remaining dates he had for Europe and set about checking logistically how I could get there, how cheap flights and hotels were, how close they were from the airport, and all of that kind of stuff, which is how I settled on Luxembourg. I'd never been to Luxembourg so had no idea really about the country even, but I decided that was where I was going to go and booked it all straight away!

I spent most of the day queuing and it paid off as I managed to be one of the first into the venue and sprinted to the stage and personally think I ended up in one of the best spots! I was first row on the side of the platform, you can see how close I was to the stage here, and Mika used the platform more than he used the stage so I got to see a lot of him and made direct eye contact several times. He actually came into the crowd for Big Girl (You Are Beautiful) which was amazing, although I couldn't see him for most of it I thought that was so great for the people at the back.
I know I'm a bit biased, but it was easily one of the best concerts I've ever been to. I waited to meet him afterwards too and got to say a few words of thanks, he's literally the nicest human being. It was such a good night that I didn't want it to end.

Meeting him afterwards. I don't like shoving cameras in people's faces, so I took this as he was leaving so I could prove to myself it actually happened.
Obviously I had to buy a few things to add to my collection. I really wanted the hoodie most of all, I'd been eyeing it up on the web store. I DID NOT want to buy a tote bag, before I went I kept telling myself "What ever you do, DO NOT buy a tote bag, you have about 8 at home" and then I bought a tote bag. The poster I got from one of those dodgy types selling knock offs outside, but I really love the artwork for No Place In Heaven and for €3 I figured why not - I didn't notice the pixelated autograph until I got it to my hotel room, but I'll still put it up.

I felt really emotional seeing the venue the next day on my way to the train station ♥
I've been so busy lately that time feels so weird and off kilter. I was only in Luxembourg for two nights, but when I got home it felt more like I'd been away for two weeks. On my drive home from the airport it struck me that at the exact same time one week earlier I'd driven along the same road on my way home from the Joker Q&A in London, but surely that was at least a month ago?? And just twelve hours before that very moment I was saying 'Bonjour' to a local crow and climbing over Casemates du Bock in Luxembourg City, but it felt more like a distant memory. It just all feels a bit surreal. I wrote on my Twitter that it's only January and already this year I've met one of my favorite musicians and the creator of one of my favorite movies, and it's just all been so incredible.
I'm off to Utrecht next week, I was originally weighing up attending that show or the one in Luxembourg so I already had it all researched and I decided it's worth cutting back in other areas so I can experience both. It was just so perfect and now already feels like a distant dream which feels unfair, so I definitely want to do it again whilst I have the opportunity. I feel like that's the biggest thing I've learnt these past few years, to stop talking about stuff and actually do it as you literally never know what might happen in the future to stop you from doing all of the pie in the sky ideas in your head. Mika often takes long breaks so I have no idea when I'd next get to see him otherwise, and I've always wanted to visit the Netherlands anyway and I can visit Amsterdam as I'll be passing through it for the airport. I'm already planning to go to the Van Gogh Museum and the Anne Frank House, and perhaps the Rijksmuseum, and I'm going to two Mika shows as he's doing three there and I figure if I'm travelling all the way to the Netherlands anyway then an extra day won't hurt.

Thank you for everything Mika ♥
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