I went to see Wicked yesterday, mostly as I hadn't seen it in a while and it felt like the most convenient day for me to travel, but it ended up being the 16th anniversary show! I literally had no idea, and it's a weird coincidence as I accidentally caught the 35th anniversary of Phantom of the Opera last year too. It's like I have a sixth sense for these things, but no actual awareness.
It wasn't really a whole lot different from a regular show, I didn't even realize right up until the end when they gave a speech after the bows and dropped some confetti and balloons. It felt good to be back though, seeing this show always feels like coming home. Which is a phrase that feels so trite, but I don't know how else to describe it, I just feel the most 'me' when I'm there. Sharing my interests is something that I've always struggled with as it's not something people were ever kind to me about so I've felt like I had to hide my special interests so people wouldn't make fun of me, and it's still something I find difficult to open up about. It's funny because the more I talk about something then the less it probably actually means to me, which then skews people's perceptions of me which I get frustrated about. I'm working on it! But this show is so very important to me, and every time I see it is so special.